NGR 6503 MDC Ethical Decision Making in Psychiatry Case Nursing Assignment Help

Ethical Decision making in Psychiatry.

Using the following readings please discuss the following prompts:

  1. Digital Psychiatry: Risks and Opportunities for Public Health and Well-Being
  2. Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: An Overview

3 Ethical Issues in Online Psychotherapy: A Narrative Review


  1. What is the risk of using digital psychiatry on patients’ autonomy?
  2. Does the passive collection of data impact a user’s ability to participate in the decision-making process? 
  3. What is the inherent risk of using AI for making diagnosis? What are the patient rights that may be violated?
  4. What is the rational argument for conducting online psychotherapy? When look through the ethical paradigm What are the possible ethical issues that may become against offering this modality to patients?

You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content

Ethical Decision making in Psychiatry.

Using the following readings please discuss the following prompts:

  1. Digital Psychiatry: Risks and Opportunities for Public Health and Well-Being
  2. Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: An Overview

3 Ethical Issues in Online Psychotherapy: A Narrative Review


  1. What is the risk of using digital psychiatry on patients’ autonomy?
  2. Does the passive collection of data impact a user’s ability to participate in the decision-making process? 
  3. What is the inherent risk of using AI for making diagnosis? What are the patient rights that may be violated?
  4. What is the rational argument for conducting online psychotherapy? When look through the ethical paradigm What are the possible ethical issues that may become against offering this modality to patients?

. Do not write who you are in the answer.

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