IDS 402 SNHU Childhood Obesity Paper Nursing Assignment Help


In this activity, you will have the opportunity to examine how using critical analysis tools influences your interactions with others. You will also consider how the analysis of your topic might have turned out differently if you looked at it through a different lens. Completing this activity will result in a draft of the reflection section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission.


In this activity, you will work on the second part of the reflection section of your project. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous activities to inform this assignment. Include diverse perspectives from varied sources to support your points. Look to the SNHU Shapiro Library for assistance and consider the sources you have used thus far to support your research. First, you will explain how the analysis of your topic in wellness may have been different if you had used one of the other general education lenses. Then you will explain how critically analyzing wellness affects your interactions with various people.

You are not required to address each item below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking and writing.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
    1. It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
    2. Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
    3. You will be evaluated on both criteria.
  2. Explain at least one way in which your analysis might have been different if you had used one of the other general education lenses to analyze your topic.
    1. This should be a brief (3–5 sentences) reflection about how using the language and perspective from a different lens would shift your view of your topic.
  3. Explain how analyzing wellness can help interactions with people with a different viewpoints, cultures, or perspectives.
    1. Think about ways in which a greater awareness of wellness strengthens individual conversations. Consider including an example from your life.

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