IDS 402 SNHU Wellness Critique Factors Obstacles and Goals Nursing Assignment Help


An essential part of developing critical analysis skills is self-reflection. In this activity, you will have the opportunity to consider how using critical analysis influences your personal experience, your field of study, or your profession. Completing this activity will result in a draft of the first part of the reflection section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission.


In this activity, you will first describe how critical analysis skills have affected your framework of perception. Next, you will describe how examining your bias has influenced how you perceive the world. Finally, you will explain how critical analysis skills can impact your academic or professional lives.

You are not required to address each item below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking and writing.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Describe how critically analyzing your issue or event in wellness has informed your individual framework of perception.
    1. Consider how it has altered the way you perceive the community around you and/or the world.
  2. Describe how examining your bias has altered the way you perceive the world.
    1. Reflect on your own bias and then consider how an awareness of one’s bias can change our perceptions.
  3. Explain how critically analyzing wellness can influence your field of study or profession.
    1. Consider how studying wellness might inform your understanding of the next big topic of study in your field or profession.

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