CALUMS Teratogens Short and Long Term Impacts Essay Nursing Assignment Help

Assessment Description

Physical development in the womb has a strong impact on future physical, cognitive, emotional and social development throughout the lifespan. There are many toxins in the environment that can impact physical development and have a long-term impact. For this essay, you will examine the short-term and long-term impact of teratogens on an individual.

Using the attached template, write a essay the short-term and long-term impact of teratogens on an individual:

1. Definition of teratogens.

2. Description of a specific teratogen.

3. Impact of the teratogen on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.

4. Explain how different physical and behavioral health roles can aid those that have been exposed to the teratogen in order to reduce symptoms and increase quality of life.

5. Conclusions.

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