Exhibit 13.I: Sample Marketing Campaign Plans Example 1 Example 2 Name, type of program, date, and number of people expected to attend Preparing and

Exhibit 13.I: Sample Marketing Campaign Plans

Example 1 Example 2

Name, type of
program, date, and
number of people
expected to attend

Preparing and Implementing Transfer of
Learning Plans

A one-day invitation only workshop for
selected members of state-level health
care professional associations and

November 1

40 participants

Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis

Workshop sponsored by a local
chapter of the American Society for
Training and Development [ASTD])

April 15

50 participants

Target audience

Staff who plan education and training
programs as part of their work roles

Supervisors of staff who will assist and
support those who attend these
programs in transferring what they
have learned into actual changes they
will make in carrying through their job

Human Resource Development (HRD)
trainers and managers

Performance improvement staff

HRD consultants

Graduate students in local HRD
masters’ program

Types of
Materials and Tools
To Use

Attractive flyer with a template for
personal message that outline the focus
and content of the program; the date,
place, location and cost, and the
website site address where they can
both register and obtain further
information about the workshop

Follow-up e-mails

Personal contacts to potential
registrants by program staff and
members of the program committee
who planned the workshop

ASTD chapter web site

Local chapter newsletter distributed
through e-mail and posted on the web

Email to all chapter members with
direct link to the local chapter’s web
page for more detailed information,
which includes online registration

Emails to graduate students enrolled
in a master’s degree in HRD sent by a
chapter member, with a direct link to
the local chapter’s web page for more
detailed information and online

Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide by Rosemary S. Caffarella and Sandra Ratcliff Daffron.
Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

Example 1 Example 2

Personal contacts via phone and e-

Target Times When
to Use the
Materials and Tools

July 30: Check the information on the
workshop to be posted on the website,
and complete and correct the flyer and

August 20: Send flyer and targeted

September 1 to September 30: Make
personal telephone calls

September 15, and October 1: Send
follow-up e-mails

March 16: Program for April 16 is
highlighted on the front page of the

March16, March 30, and April 8: E-
mails and email reminders to all
potential participants

March 30: Program description and
links to registration in the chapter
newsletter sent out by e-mail

March 16 to April 14: Personal
contacts by members


Web site and flyer template at no
cost as designed by internal staff

Selected Mailings: $50.00

Phone calls and e-mails at no cost: as
internal staff responsibility

No cost as all tasks are complete by
volunteers who are chapter members

Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide by Rosemary S. Caffarella and Sandra Ratcliff Daffron.
Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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