NURS 450: Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course Assignment: Experiential Health

NURS 450: Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course

Assignment: Experiential Health PowerPoint Presentation

60 points

Assignment: Following the experiential learning hours, the student will create a PowerPoint presentation about their experience. In addition to the information below, the PowerPoint should include narration. The assignment will be evaluated for content and for creativity. The PowerPoint will be uploaded in the assignment box in the course and in the D2L Discussion area per the date on the course calendar. The week following, the student will engage in discussion with classmates, commenting on their learning experiences. There are points for the PowerPoint presentation and discussion points for commenting on the work of peers. Please see directions and rubric below for more information.

Outcomes: This assignment helps to meet the following student learning outcomes and the end of program student learning outcomes:

SLO: #2 Develop skills of critical thinking. Communication, assessment, quality improvement, safety, and population-based interventions to improve health outcomes of diverse populations.

SLO: #3 Participate in interprofessional collaboration, and public health interventions, including health promotion, health education, teaching, screening, illness prevention, and follow-up.

SLO: #6 Evaluate lifelong learning, informatics/technology, and research evidence to promote population health and nursing actions to guide health promotion, prevention, maintenance, and restoration activities.

EOPSLO: #2 Value diversity when planning equitable and inclusive person-centered care.

EOPSLO: #3 Support person-centered care through inter- and intra-professional collaborative processes.

EOPSLO: #5 Evaluate informatics and technology to support optimal health outcomes.


Following the experiential learning hours, the student will create a PowerPoint presentation. A blank template has been provided. The student may find it necessary to include more slides than are in the existing template and that is fine. Include a narration on the PowerPoint.

· Identify clinical setting, including geographic location and its impact on the health of the population served. Include demographic data here, including economic information. Answer the question: How does the community setting impact the agency?

· Identify the population served by the clinical agency; including demographic, economic data, and diversity

Answer the following questions: How does the socio-economic, political, legal, cultural, religious aspects of the population impact the health of the population?

· Identify common health strengths and challenges noted

· Identify one health concern and link this concern to a Health People 2030 objective:

Select a health care concern that the student could realistically address.

Create a NANDA approved community-based nursing diagnosis (remember, there are only a few NANDA approved community-based nursing diagnosis to choose from)

· Make a recommendation for public health nursing practice on how to address the concern. Link this to the public health wheel. Use the Minnesota Department of Health (2019) Public Health Intervention Wheel:

· Include potential community partnerships (actual partners the nurse would work with) and resources (physical and financial) that may be needed.

· Provide a reference list

A rubric is provided.

Remember to respond to at least 5 peers presentations in the DQ area.

Grading Rubric




A.Clinical Setting.

State the site where you did your experiential learning hours

Describe the agency

Geographical location, with census data, community description, features

Analysis- how does the community setting impact the agency?


B.Clinical site continued

Population served, including demographic, economic data and diversity

How does the socio-economic, political, legal, cultural, religious aspects of the population impact the health of the population?


C.Health strengths and challenges noted


D.Identify (and cite) a Healthy People 2030 Objective (state exact objective) to address the  identified health issue

Create a NANDA approved community based nursing diagnosis


E. Evidence-based public health nursing intervention(s): Note developed strategy for implementation and evaluation of the intervention such as any barriers and/or social and cultural considerations


Include at least 3 public health nursing interventions categories from the Minnesota Department of Health. (2019). 
Public health interventions: Applications for public health nursing practice (2nd ed.)


F.Identify other agencies, professionals, resources with whom you would collaborate.

Identify resources (financial and phycsicall) that might be needed


G.Evaluation: How would you measure success?


A. Professional delivery and
 includes PowerPoint narration

B. Clear and Complete

C. Reference citations per 7th ed. APA formatting

D. Proper use of Writing Mechanics


A. Creative presentation (appeal) posted in NURS 450 D2L Discussion board by due date and 2 substantial responses two peers incorporating evidence-based resources/citations.




Revised 12.23

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