please complete an annotated bibliography for journal articles on The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships or a nonverbal behavior dealing with touch. Create an APA-style reference section and annotating each of your articles under each APA-style reference. Use bullets to summarize the following in your own words: what the researchers did (the method), what they found (the results), and what this means for your paper (explain how you are going to use each article to make arguments in your paper). You need to include all 10 articles.
Discussion Topic Step 1: Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the
Discussion Topic Step 1: Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure to use APA-style format, ensuring that quotes or paraphrases contain the page number in-text. In the reading, Family and Marriage, Gilliland describes several different patterns of a family organization