Disease Topic: COPD PLEASE READ BEFORE ACCEPTING TO HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING  Directions:You will be designing a poster in PowerPoint. Please see the

Disease Topic: COPD


Directions:You will be designing a poster in PowerPoint. Please see the Template and specific instructionsregarding working with the template. Your poster must have the following parts:

• Title: A descriptive title (usually as a banner) with the names of the participating studentsand their affiliation. 

• Introduction: The introduction contains a very brief (1-2 sentences) summary of thedisease or disorder. 

• Cause(s): This section contains a brief description of normal anatomy and physiology ofthe organ systems involved in the disease or disorder. Also describe the cause(s) and/orrisk factors associated with the development of the disease or disorder. Thedemographics of those who suffer from the disease or disorder should be mentioned hereas well. 

• Physiologic Effect(s): This section describes the specific effects that the disease ordisorder has on human physiology (and potentially on the anatomy as well). Be specific indescribing the disease process, drawing clear connections between the mechanism of thedisorder and the observed symptoms 

• Treatment(s): This section should be used to describe methods of treatment, whetherthey be curative or therapeutic. Be clear about the purpose of the treatment, relating toa physiologic effect if possible. 

• Further Details and Application: This section can contain additional information relatingto historic, cultural, or medical implications in modern society. 

• Sources cited: This section presents an alphabetic listing of all the sources that were citedin your poster. For this assignment, you must cite at least three (3) sources. You must useacademically appropriate sources (not popular sources, Wikipedia, dot com web sites,dictionaries, social media, class presentations and/or PowerPoints). Sources must be citedin APA 7th edition format. In consideration of space, you can use a much smaller font forthis section. 

General considerations:

• Posters are visual by nature, and so the poster must have a clear and logical order andflow to it. Readers should be able to follow the information on the poster easily. 

• The poster layout should utilize all the available space on the poster. Each section(excluding the title) should be separated by a heading. 

• Visual aids (such as figures and photographs) are an important part of a poster, but thevisuals that you add should enhance understanding of some aspect of the poster andshould not be used as space filling or jokes. 

• In addition to general images, you must include at least one graph or table withquantitative data on your poster; for example, you might include a table of demographicinformation, or a graph detailing the effectiveness of a particular treatment. All graphsand tables must be computer generated; hand drawn graphs and tables will not beaccepted. Graphs must be made with graphing software such as Excel. Graphs mustcontain individual points/colors for different conditions, labels with units of measure onthe x- and y- axis, and symbol legend. Tables should have clear categories and labels withunits of measure. 

• Figures (including graphs) must be consecutively numbered and titled (i.e., Figure 2:Time to symptoms onset compared to force of blow). Tables should be consecutivelynumbered and titled (i.e. Table 2: Time to symptom onset in student athletes hit withconcussive blow). 

• Posters should have a professional aesthetic to them. Glitter, joke figures, and otherembellishments should be avoided. 

• All visuals and font on the poster must be easily viewed when viewed in the Slide Show(the font sizes should be a minimum of 36pts). 

• Your written sections do not have to be composed in paragraphs – bullet points arepreferred on a poster – but they should always be well organized. Your goal is to providethorough information that reflects your research; there is certainly a balance that needsto be struck between being excessively wordy and overly superficial. Include yourdiscussion script in the Notes section below your slide. 

• Make sure that information within the sections is all topically united, and that the posterhas an overall logical flow to its design. 

• Please use a spelling and grammar check (pay attention as your word processor will notrecognize most scientific terms). 

• Do not overuse capitalization; most specific scientific terms are written in lowercase. 

ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS:• Digital submission on Brightspace. An optional digital template will be provided forstudents.• APA 7 style format and documentation for parenthetical citations and a Referencessection.• Minimum of four (4) academically appropriate resources (peer-reviewed, scholarlyarticles).• Utilize library databases to locate appropriate sources specifically the CCBC Library Guide 

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