Review the specific elements of the
Danielson Framework
Links to an external site.
and the
Download HLPs
listed below.
Danielson Domain 3 component D: Using Assessment in Instruction
HLP 19: Use assistive and instructional technologies.
HLP 21: Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and settings.
HLP 22: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior.
HLP 5: Interpret and communicate assessment information with stakeholders to collaboratively design and implement educational programs.
HLP 8: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior
Observe your mentor teacher teaching a
comprehension strategies using mentor text
math lesson that is building conceptual understanding in math
and videotape this lesson
low-inference notes
Download low-inference notes
on the teacher’s lesson.
Timestamp and cite from the lesson to support your evidence utilizing
low inference notes (see the directions and transcript template attached below).
This is an example of low inference notes:
In-Class Lesson Analysis Template
Download In-Class Lesson Analysis Template
In your analysis, identify and describe key elements of the observed lesson and
analyze the instructional and assessment strategies that are used to engage the learner – focusing on the identified
Danielson 3D and
HLP 19, 21, 22, 5, 8 elements. Furthermore, each
Domain 3 D component is composed of several smaller elements, which serve to further define the component. Make sure you address them in your analysis.
Teacher Observation Critical Analysis.pdf
Download Teacher Observation Critical Analysis.pdf
Support your findings with at least 2 comments on what went well in the lesson ( “glow”) and 2 suggestions for improvement ( “grow”), supporting your statements with references to the suggested strategies from the HLP description from the (If the suggested in the module HLP is not applicable to the context of your teaching, you may choose another HLP and cite the source).
Make recommendations to improve lesson delivery making specific reference to the evidence from the low-inference transcript about the interactions between the teacher(s)/adults, children/children and children and the use of instructional materials/environment.
Submit your completed low inference notes and in-class lesson analysis via this Canvas assignment. Your submission will be graded with the below rubric.
If you need additional resources or would like citation materials, visit this page:
Citations and Resources