****Video Reviews For each video, you will submit a 1 page (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font) summary of interesting points you

****Video Reviews

For each video, you will submit a 1 page (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font) summary of interesting points you learned from the video.

Let’s quit abusing drug users-

****Unit VIII JournalAssignment Content

The purpose of this journal entry is for you to evaluate concepts you learned in Professionalism in the Workplace, including discussion of how you would prepare to interview for a new position using all that you have learned in the course thus far.

Now that you have pulled together your resume package, for your final journal entry in this course, you will first assess at least one course concept that stood out for you and describe how it helped you become a better professional in the workplace.

Second, you will discuss how the course helped you specifically prepare to interview for a new job or organizational position, including the following:

Describe three ways to prepare for an interview.

  • Discuss three different types of interview questions and provide tips for answering them.
  • Describe two ways to close the interview, concluding with an explanation of how to follow up post-interview.

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