Reference: Allen, K. What is an Ethical Dilemma Instructions attached Midterm Instructions and Rubric For your midterm, you

Reference: Allen, K. What is an Ethical Dilemma

Instructions attached

Midterm Instructions and Rubric

For your midterm, you will write about an ethical dilemma that you have experienced in your professional career. This dilemma will be examined by a classmate of yours for their signature assignment.

Create your own WIKI Page (Found in the week 6 assignments folder). Please review the instructions for creating a WIKI page. Think about an ethical dilemma that you have personally faced within a professional setting. Do not include a dilemma that involves your personal family or friendships.

Use the

What is an ethical dilemma
to help you identify the dilemma you want to talk about. Even though this description is written to social workers, the information holds true for ABA providers. As you read, replace the words “social worker” with “behavior analyst”.

On the WIKI page, fully describe the situation you faced, using pseudonyms and protecting confidentiality by not giving specific locations or agencies.

Use the above article (What is an ethical dilemma) to :

· explain and justify your situation as an ethical dilemma by describing the three conditions:

· an agent had to make decision

· there were multiple courses of action that could be taken

· ethical principles that were compromised. (do not list specific ethical codes as that is what your colleague will do).

· Explain why this is an ethical dilemma and not a personal value.

· Describe why your dilemma is an “absolute” or “pure” dilemma





The Dilemma is clearly and thoroughly described

1 – 10

The 3 conditions of the dilemma are fully discussed and accurate

1 – 5

The ethical dilemma is differentiated from values

1 – 5

Dilemma described as absolute or pure

1 – 5

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