Please see attached file You may think of someone’s sexual orientation as a fixed part of their identity—gay, straight, asexual, bisexual, etc. But

Please see attached file

You may think of someone’s sexual orientation as a fixed part of their identity—gay, straight, asexual, bisexual, etc. But this is not true for all. For some, sexuality is fluid, meaning it changes over time and due to environmental factors and life circumstances. For others, they may be living one reality while suppressing their true sexuality due to societal pressure. Only later in life do they awaken to who they truly are.

Social workers must develop strategies for working with members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community as they navigate life and evolving notions of identity. In this Discussion, you practice skills in responding to just such a situation. Your client is a woman who has been in a heterosexual marriage for many years before coming to realize she is gay.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



· Review the Learning Resources on sexual orientation development and on LGBTQ aging.

· View the 
Video Case: Sharon video and consider how you would respond to Sharon’s concerns as a social worker. NOTE: SHARON CASE STUDY ATTACHED SEPERATELY IN A WRITTEN.

Assignment below:

Respond to Sharon as her social worker. Be sure to situate what Sharon may be feeling within middle adulthood and demonstrate empathy for her experience. Then, in your post, reflect on your approach and the practice skills you displayed.

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