Watch and evaluate in a 3-paragraph paper one of the following TED Talks:Celeste Headlee Ten Ways to Have a Better ConversationIn your paper, discuss the following: How did the opening gain your attention, establish the speaker’s credibility, introduce the topic and preview the main points of the speech? How was the body of the speech organized? Was it easy to follow? What did the speaker do to help listeners follow the progression of idea? Were credible sources used and fully cited? Does the conclusion reinforce the central idea of the speech? What did you find useful for your future speeches?
This assignment will be an analysis of a few powerpoint slides. The paper should be a summary of each content section of the powerpoint slide given. I
This assignment will be an analysis of a few powerpoint slides. The paper should be a summary of each content section of the powerpoint slide given. I will provide the instructions and the outline with powerpoint. Must be APA Must use the integrated template Length: Minimum 2 pages (not including