Select a 3-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona or other state standard based on the Number and Operations-Fractions domain. Compose an aligning


Select a 3-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona or other state standard based on the Number and Operations-Fractions domain.

Compose an aligning learning objective and design appropriate activities for a selected group of 3-4 students, of varying academic levels, from the “Class Profile.”

Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” complete the lesson plan through the Multiple Means of Engagement section, making sure the activities are supported by the recommendations found in the topic Resources.

For your differentiated activities, specifically address:

  • Fraction tasks, including area, length, and set/quantity models; or
  • Equivalent fractions. In the Multiple Means of Engagement section, draft five questions you could ask students during the lesson that promote conceptual understanding related to fractions.
  • In the Multiple Means of Representation section, describe five potential issues and/or roadblocks that might happen while delivering the lesson, based on the needs of the selected group of students. Provide possible solutions to each potential issue.

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