Multicultural education encompasses so many areas that are vital to not only education but to society in general. As educators, we are charged with the

Multicultural education encompasses so many areas that are vital to not only education but to society in general. As educators, we are charged with the responsibility of preparing young learners to become positive contributors to society in the future. Encompassed with that is teaching them how to respect diverse cultures and the customs and traditions of those cultures.

As educators, you should be able to identify strategies that can be used to help teach students about various cultures. However, classroom culture and population are just as diverse, and therefore, you must be able to identify appropriate strategies for your learners.

use the Education Week website to select one article that focuses on strategies for teaching multicultural education to a diverse student population. Once you have selected and read your article, complete the following requirements.

  • Summarize the key points of the article.
    • Include the various strategies discussed in the article.
    • Make at least two connections between the information in the article
    • Include at least two findings or suggestions based on the implementation of the strategies discussed.
    • Include the article title and a link to the article.
  • Share your reaction to the information you read in the article.
    • Include a position statement indicating whether you agree or disagree with the information in the article.
    • Share your reasons for the position that you have taken about the article.
    • If you agree with the article, justify how you would include the strategies in your instruction.
    • If you disagree with the information in the article, share what you would do differently.
  • Support your rationale 


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