You should refer to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (FASB ASC), specifically, when answering some of the questions below: Under what

You should refer to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (FASB ASC), specifically, when answering some of the questions below:

  1. Under what circumstance(s) would the amount included in the foreign currency translation account be recorded in the Income Statement instead of the Statement of Other Comprehensive Income?
  2. Under what circumstance(s) would it potentially make sense for a Company to consider hedging the amount included in the Statement of Other Comprehensive Income for Foreign Currency Translation? Be specific.
  3. Explain in a few sentences how the accounting for foreign currency translation differs for subsidiaries of a US Parent Company operating in a hyperinflationary environment which are consolidated into the Parent Company’s financial statements.
  4. For the accumulated foreign currency translation balance which your Assignment in Connect arrived at, is the amount of the translation adjustment in the current year a debit or a credit, and what does that mean with regards to the movement of foreign exchange during the period against the US Dollar? Be specific.


  • Write a paper of 2 pages, double-spaced in length, not counting the title and the reference pages, which you must include. Submissions in excess of 2 pages are acceptable.
  • Copy and paste each question into your paper in bold type (Questions are to be single-spaced) to ensure you have answered each of the Assignment Requirements.
  • Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings, including professional business language.
  • Cite at least 3 credible, academic or professional sources supporting your answers for this assignment. The CSU Global Library (link in left navigation panel) is a great place to find resources.
  • Format your paper according to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (link in left navigation panel).

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