Edit the paper based on this feedback: i have attached the paper I think that your review is basically pretty good. You take the right

Edit the paper based on this feedback: i have attached the paper

I think that your review is basically pretty good. You take the right approach…summarization , then critical analysis. On the summarization my only comment is that some of your actually writing could be sharper. That is, you get the gist of the book, but sometimes your language makes heavy work of explaining. I suggest just another look through that part to see if you can clean up the prose. 

On the critical analysis part, again you’ve done a pretty good job but ideally I’d like to see more. For instance on the interdisciplinary bit, could you give an example from the book illustrating why you think this is good? With the gender issue, just say more please! 

Finally, you note several times that the book is lacking in practical solutions….but does it suggest any to you that you could try out here? In other words, does the logic of the book lead you to thinking about what’s to be done?

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