MCH Program/App Issue that affects Maternal Child and Healthcare is health inequality. Use this as the topic.

MCH Program/App

Issue that affects Maternal Child and Healthcare is health inequality. Use this as the topic.

We have discussed several issues relating to MCH outcomes throughout this course. This project is going to help you put it all together by thinking creatively about solving a problem to improve MCH outcomes and allow you to show off your digital skills.

1. From everything that you’ve learned in this course, select the issue that you feel affects MCH outcomes the most.

2. Next, find at least 3 national resources and 2 local resources (to you, not FSU) that currently exist to address the selected issue.

3. Then, create your own program or app to address the selected health issue (you only have to be able to describe it, not actually develop/implement it).

4. Develop a digital product to present your program or app, as well as the other resources that you found. This can be a PowerPoint presentation (MUST have audio; can be recorded or embedded), podcast, recorded video (using a phone is fine, or you can use Teams/Zoom), live presentation, etc.


The issue that most profoundly affects maternal and child health (MCH) outcomes is 
health inequity, particularly disparities in access to quality healthcare. This issue manifests across a range of factors, including socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, geographic location, and systemic discrimination, and it underpins many other determinants of MCH outcomes.

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