For this assignment, you will conclude your marketing plan by developing your hypothetical company’s integrated marketing communications strategy. The

For this assignment, you will conclude your marketing plan by developing your hypothetical company’s integrated marketing communications strategy. The categories for the communications strategy include traditional, digital, social media, and cause-related marketing. You will also create a video to advertise your product or service as a social media influencer.

Note: You should make all assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Complete this assignment using the Week 10 Assignment Template Marketing Plan Part CDownload Week 10 Assignment Template Marketing Plan Part C[DOCX].

Step 1: Download the template, and save it as Lastname_Firstname_MKT500_Week10_Assignment.

Step 2: Follow the instructions carefully as you complete the template. Be sure to utilize the resources provided and incorporate the required number of additional resources using Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

  • Use at least two quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least once within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review the library guide.

Step 3: Review the assignment rubric to ensure you have met all requirements and submit the completed template using the assignment link in your course.

Note: Create and submit the video portion of the assignment in addition to the assignment template. Instructions are provided in the Required Resources section below.

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