Discussion Board You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board

Discussion Board

You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board throughout the course of the semester. These will relate to assigned course materials. Your responses should incorporate course content assigned during that week and should be approximately 250 words (total, for both prompts).

Please select 2 of the 4 prompts below and reply in paragraph form, additionally read the other posts and reply to 2 (or more.)

· The Chinese abacus is a cultural invention that leads to the use of a hexadecimal numeral system (i.e., base 16, rather than the base 10 numeral system commonly used throughout the world). Therefore, the hexadecimal numeral system is a unique cultural practice that few other cultures have. Choose the position of either a general psychologist or a cultural psychologist; then, as your chosen psychologist, generate an explanation for the capacity to use the hexadecimal numeral system. (Chapter 1)

· Your new job in a culturally diverse company requires you to figure out how to deal with this cultural diversity in such a way that yields the most benefits for the company. Your two options are to take the color-blind approach or the multicultural approach. Choose one, and justify your response based on the research presented in the textbook. (Chapter 1).

· Define the ratchet effect and generate an example for it (excluding the example of the hammer in the textbook). (Chapter 2.)

· There are three explanations posited to explain how primates developed such big brains. Name the three explanations and generate a study design that tests these competing explanations. (Chapter 2).

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