My team is the Dallas Cowboys, I am trying to entice the Mayor and council, to bring my team to their city, which is Miami. I am the vice
My team is the Dallas Cowboys, I am trying to entice the Mayor and council, to bring my team to their city, which is Miami. I am the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired by the mayor and city council to give them a detailed […]
Assignment: Public Information Release Instructions: 1. Identify a hurricane or significant winter weather event that occurred over the past 10 years. 2.
Assignment: Public Information Release Instructions: 1. Identify a hurricane or significant winter weather event that occurred over the past 10 years. 2. Choose an emergency management or homeland security related agency that was affected by this event and assume the role of an employee in the Public Information Unit. 3. Following the format below, write […]
Unit 2 DB: Knowing your
Unit 2 DB: Knowing your audience Knowing your audience is vital for successful emergency communications. Give an example of the potential impact(s) of not using this strategy. Your example should be based on either a notional (theoretical) or actual emergency event.
DB: Emergency Support
DB: Emergency Support Functions From the Unit 2 readings and resources, you know there are 15 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) in the National Response Framework (NRF). Choose an ESF that interests you. Assume the role of a Public Affairs representative at a town meeting. Your job will be to explain this ESF to the citizens […]
The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business
The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business case. Using a business case you are required to identify the symptoms of the main business problem and review relevant academic literature to explore what previous research has revealed about similar issues. You […]
Hy, I have to make poster for subject of human resource managment. Topic: Design a poster to explain the strategies that can be used to manage shortage of
Hy, I have to make poster for subject of human resource managment. Topic: Design a poster to explain the strategies that can be used to manage shortage of employees. I have uploaded rubrics we need to follow that. I have uploaded cover page poster which needs to be strictly followed. Page 1 : cover page […]
Restaurant Observation ActivityObjectives The objective of this individual activity is for students to practice how to properly observe a restaurant’s
Restaurant Observation ActivityObjectives The objective of this individual activity is for students to practice how to properly observe a restaurant’s service, flow, cleanliness, leadership, employees, and the restaurant building and facility. Guidelines Choose a restaurant you would like to observe and follow the guidelines and grading rubric below. Guidelines and Deliverables Select a restaurant you […]
Professional Memo Overview: Write a professional memo. Instructions: 1. Choose an emergency management or homeland security agency and assume the role of an employee in the Public Information Unit. 2. Following the Purdue OWL memo guidelines in Unit 1, write a memo to your supervisor, John Smith, asking to attend the two-day E0105 Public Information […]
Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two components This assessment task is NOT a report, but a
Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two components This assessment task is NOT a report, but a professional artefact with two components. I have attached all the documents that is required for assignment instructions and CASE for answering the questions. you have to go through the […]
Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two components a) your professional career development reflection
Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two components a) your professional career development reflection (20 marks) PLUS (1500 words) b) your answers to the case study questions (25 marks). (1000 words) This assessment task is NOT a report, but a professional artefact with two components. i […]