Our attributes and competencies play a significant role in our effectiveness as leaders, where success is not just a factor of what we know, but how we

Our attributes and competencies play a significant role in our effectiveness as leaders, where success is not just a factor of what we know, but how we represent ourselves in the workplace and what we do with that knowledge. This is the essence of the Be-Know-Do model, which captures the fundamental attributes, behaviors, and characteristics reflected in […]

For this assignment, you will identify and take notes on at least four high-quality sources related to your course project topic. As noted in this week’s

For this assignment, you will identify and take notes on at least four high-quality sources related to your course project topic. As noted in this week’s Assignment Connection, high-quality sources include, but are not limited to, scholarly articles scholarly books periodical articles from respected publications interviews with experts or those with first-hand knowledge government web […]

Funding Options, Challenges, and Ethics For this assignment, you will create a case study of an early-stage company and the related challenges, funding

Funding Options, Challenges, and Ethics For this assignment, you will create a case study of an early-stage company and the related challenges, funding options, and ethical issues it faces. Research a company that was created within the last 10 years, and write an introduction giving basic information about the company and its products and services […]