The Role of Federal and State Government in Promoting Access Nursing Assignment Help

The Role of Federal and State Government in Promoting Access to Healthcare Presentation

(Covers CO4).

Choose an issue we have discussed in class or one that interests you. Be sure to include related healthcare ethics and laws involved. Assignment should be a minimum of 10-12 PowerPoint slides (not including the title slide and reference slides) and provide an overview of the following:

  • Define the ethical dilemma (selected health issue)
  • History of ethics behind the issue
  • Overview of the impact health/ethics issue is having (has had) on target population (summary of statistics and descriptive data)
  • Explain the local, state, and/or federal governments’ role in impacting access to healthcare, related to your topic.
  • Summary of law/policy development recommendations
  • Summary of recommendations needed to better address health/ethics issues within the target population
  • Conclusion

Your presentation should contain at least 10-12 slides, not including the title and reference slides. You are required to have at least 100-150 words in each slides note section to augment the material on each slide.  Remember, your slides SHOULD NOT contain paragraphs of information.  Instead, use 3-5 “powerful points” per slide and use your notes section to augment those points.  The slides are what your audience will see and the notes are what you, the presenter, will see to keep you on track. 

Proofread carefully and review the rubric before final submission. 

The use APA 7th ed. is required. 

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